All Family Life

Astro the Adventure Pup (Autumn 2022)

Hi everyone. It’s me, Olivia. I would like to introduce you to Astro the Adventure Pup, our new Great Dane puppy. He is just the sweetest little baby boy ever. He loves to snuggle and play and be wherever we are. He is getting so big so fast, and we really love having him here! He and Henry and Shiloh are finally starting to play together, and it is super fun to watch them all. I think they’ll all be best friends really soon.

Me and Mommy knew that we wouldn’t be able to go on as many adventures away from home if we got a puppy, but we love Astro to pieces already. We do miss our girl trips though, so we are really excited to go fishing in Erie in November. And we are hoping to take Astro camping at the beach in October. He’s going to love it!!

Do you do any adventures with your pets?

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