Welcome to the adventurePages!

We are Missy and Olivia Page and we’re so happy you’re visiting! Our hope is that you will feel loved and valued here and that you will be encouraged to share adventures and extraordinary moments with your loved ones as often as possible

“Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”

– unknown

Hi! I’m Missy.

Thank you so much for visiting our page! A little bit about me… I am blessed with an incredible family with the most amazing children anyone could ever ask for. I love to be active and spend as much time outdoors as possible. I work full-time as the county coordinator for a child sexual abuse prevention initiative in our area. I am passionate about helping others, especially those who are most vulnerable, and my dream, which has now also become Olivia’s dream, is to one day open a shelter for victims of abuse where they are able to bring their beloved pets. Olivia has the most beautiful, caring heart of anyone I’ve ever known and she too is passionate about helping others. She is truly the visionary for our blog as she wants “to change the world by bringing families closer together through adventures.”

Hi! I’m Olivia.

I like to do a lot of fun activities like horseback riding, cheerleading, tennis lessons and French lessons with mommy, playing piano, riding my bike and lots of other things. I asked my mom if we could start a blog because we did a lot of adventures in 2020, and I wanted to share the wonderful encouragement with others so that more families can get closer to their kids.  And I hope that kids who don’t feel the most loved at home will feel more loved if they do adventures with their families.  I really want to change the world by helping families to get closer together. My favorite adventure so far was parasailing on our girls’ camping weekend at the beach.  It made me feel super brave.  I love doing adventures with my mommy.  It’s the best!