All Family Life

It’s Me – Olivia – at the Beach…Again (July 21, 2022)

Hi everyone. It’s me, Olivia. We’ve been going to the beach as much as possible this summer because – well, we love it. We’ve taken my friend Emma a couple times too which was fun. And one time Daddy even came, and we got to go out on his friend Dave’s boat. We got to go tubing and go to a restaurant and eat right on the boat. That was pretty cool. I tried a Shirley Temple drink, but I didn’t like it very much. My cheese quesadilla was delicious though. We tried to surf on our own because there weren’t any lessons open, but the ocean was pretty rough that day, and we got flipped all around. I’m proud of us for trying though. And the big waves are the most fun to swim in anyway so that was a great day. Every day is a great day at the beach though. And of course, we’ve been stopping to see the ponies at Assateague every time we go down to the beach. We sure do love to see them. And the ocean, of course.

What do you love to do most at the beach? Do you have any fun traditions that you like to do? Me and Mommy like to get crepes for breakfast at Bayside Skillet and swim in the ocean all day long before we go visit the ponies. Do you like to visit Assateague? When me and Mommy go to the beach by ourselves, we have lots and lots of girl chats. I think our beach time brings us closer together because it is so relaxing and peaceful and FUN. Is there anything that you like to do that brings you closer to your family?

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