All Family Life

It’s Me – Olivia – at the Van Gogh Experience (September 13, 2021)

Hi everyone. It’s me, Olivia. Mommy and I went to Philadelphia to see the Van Gogh Experience. Wow! It was so amazing! My favorite part was the big room that had changing scenes. It was really beautiful. Mommy cried, of course (like usual). We also got to color at the end, and they put our …

All Family Life

A Glimpse into Olivia’s Beautiful Heart (March 21, 2021)

There are lots of things Olivia loves – well, she honestly loves most anything and everyone. But at the top of her list would be her family and her friends, singing, writing songs and playing them on her guitar or piano, and Jesus. Her empathy and compassion for all people and animals, and the way …