All Family Life

Envirothon (May 18, 2023)

Hi everyone. It’s me, Olivia. This year I tried out to participate on my school’s Envirothon team. I studied super hard, and I made the team!! In case you don’t know what Envirothon is, it is the biggest environmental education competition in the whole country. The county where I live is one of the few counties in all of North America that offers Envirothon beginning in third grade. I was really honored to be selected to participate in Envirothon, because it is really important to me to learn about our earth and how to take better care of it.

Our school had two teams of five students each, and we began studying for the Envirothon competition in January. We studied all about aquatics, forestry, and wildlife before our big competition in May. My friends and I went hiking one day in the spring so we could practice identifying trees and wildlife. It was a fun day. In April, Mom and some other parents came to school to help us make our team hats for the competition. My team’s name was the Smarty Panthers.

There were 59 teams at the big competition in May. Each team went from station to station to be tested on all of the things that we studied since January. I was a little nervous for the competition because I was my team’s leader. But the Smarty Panthers all studied really hard, and we made a great team. AND, we did incredible! Out of all 59 teams, we scored the highest! Can you believe it!? Of all the things that I did in 4th grade, Envirothon is the one I feel most proud of. I learned so many amazing things about our earth and I learned how to work well with my team. I really hope to be able to participate in Envirothon again next year. And I hope to continue to learn more and more ways to protect our earth and to someday make a positive impact in the world.


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